

European Central Bank
location iconFrankfurt, Germany
company sizeCompany size: 1001-5000

The European Central Bank is the central bank for the 19 European Union countries using the euro currency. The European Central Bank's primary focus is to maintain price stability, contribute to the safety of the banking system, develop and issue euro banknotes, maintain financial infrastructure and preserve financial stability.

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European Central Bank - Recent News & Articles

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One Year Since the FedNow Launch: What You Should Know

Launched in July 2023, the Federal Reserve's FedNow service has been a game-changer in the U.S. payments landscape. With over 900 financial institutio...

Source: Finextra
10-year Treasury yield rises above 4.5% following weak auction

Treasury yields moved higher Tuesday following a poor auction on the five-year note and as investors await fresh data releases on inflation. Yields pe...

Source: CNBC
Central Bank Gold Buying Through First Half of 2024 Sets Record

Despite central bank gold buying slowing moderately in the second quarter, it set a record through the first half of 2024. Central banks globally adde...

Source: Money Metals
As Growth Sputters, Beijing Tries Again to Jolt China’s Economy

China’s central bank took new steps to shore up the country’s sputtering economy, highlighting officials’ growing anxiety about growth only days after...

Source: MSN
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IMF warns US on ballooning fiscal burden

The IMF’s second-in-command has urged the US to shrink its mounting fiscal burden, saying strong growth in the world’s largest economy gave it “ample”...
