FAQs for Reviews

Will my LinkedIn profile information and picture be displayed with my review?

No, your LinkedIn profile and picture will not be displayed on your review. Published reviews will display limited information about the reviewer consisting of the first name and last initial, title and industry of the reviewer as the default and will not display a picture or image of the reviewer.

Is there a way to further limit information about me that is published with my review?

Reviewers have the option of designating the review as “Unattributed”. Published reviews designated as Unattributed will display the title and industry only of the contributor of the review.

Why do BankerAdvisor users have to register and sign in through LinkedIn to leave a review?

BankerAdvisor provides the most insightful and detailed reviews about banking from actual clients. In keeping with our standards, we use LinkedIn accounts to authenticate and validate a reviewer’s identity and profile. For more information regarding our quality assurance process, please see our Community Guidelines

Why is a reviewer required to certify that this review is based on my own experience and in accordance with the Terms of Use and that I am not an employee of this firm or an employee of a direct competitor?

Our quality assurance process and publishing standards prohibit reviews from current or former employees or employees of direct competitors. As a part of our editorial review process, we require reviewers to certify that the review being submitted is based on their own experience. For more information, please see our Terms of Use

Why am I required to review a specific service type rather than just review the firm?

BankerAdvisor seeks to provide the best and most useful reviews and this includes feature-specific feedback on service categories, services types, or a particular service. This helps other users do very specific – even granular – searches and research on different services and providers.

Is a reviewer allowed to review another Service Category or Service Type for a firm?

Yes. Additional reviews on other service categories or service types are encouraged to provide our community with broad feedback from their customer experiences.

Do I have to complete the review in a single session?

Our guided review process allows users to save their review as a draft to avoid accidental loss of progress while being prepared or for completion in a later session. In order to resume the preparation of a review in a new session, registered users can resume the draft review by logging in and accessing the draft review from their profile page.

Where do I find my review draft that was not completed?

Users preparing a review can save the draft of the review by utilizing the Save Draft button in our guided review process while continuing in a session. Saved drafts are accessible from the user’s account profile page under Review Drafts.

Can I preview my review before it is published?

Yes. User reviews can be saved as a draft during the review process allowing users to preview the review prior to being published by our editorial team. We will send you an email once the review is published.

How do I review a firm that does not appear listed on BankerAdvisor?

We’re glad you found someone not in our database! If you would like to review a firm that you are unable to locate on BankerAdvisor, please email us at reviews@bankeradvisor.com. We’d love to include them. Our research and editorial teams will follow along with you to create a listing so you can then review the firm.

What type of information is required in submitting a review?

You will be able to comment and pick a number of stars from None to 5 in 9 different categories, including Overall Rating, Fees and Costs, Knowledge and Competency, Value and others. Then, we ask you a couple of questions about what you liked most, least, willingness to recommend and any other recommendations you would make to the service provider. Finally, you add any additional, open-ended comments. BankerAdvisor believes that detailed information enhances the value of a review. While the information we ask users to submit may vary based on the type of firm, our review process encourages the inclusion of the nature of the services for context.

What is considered a “good” review?

A good review is specific, candid, detailed and personal. We believe that users who provide specific aspects of their experience are doing a real service to others. While the rating on a service is important, details and context provide significant value to buyers. If some aspect of a service or advice was good, tell people why. If something was not good, tell them what it was and why. A detailed review, regardless of the rating, can provide a much clearer picture of an experience than a simple five-star review with few details. In addition, specific feedback on a service area helps users find the best financial service providers and also helps the service provider/bank to identify opportunities to improve their services.

Why is my submitted review not published immediately upon submission?

In short, quality and integrity. In order to maintain the trust of our users, BankerAdvisor must maintain the integrity and quality of the information published and made available to our community. As a result, our procedures included verifying the authenticity of the reviewer, verifying the reviewer’s LinkedIn profile and obtaining validation and other confirmation regarding the content of the review through other means. In addition, our editorial team will review the submitted review content to ensure that it meets our other quality standards prior to being published.

How long does it take after a review has been submitted for it to be published?

Typically, 2-3 business days but probably much faster. Our editorial team is focused on maintaining our standards and will move quickly to complete authentication before publishing.

Why is my review not being published?

We may just be trying to validate something or we’re trying to get more information and can’t get an answer. Either way, we will reach out to you. You should know that BankerAdvisor reserves the right to withhold publishing submitted reviews that its editorial team believes do not meet minimum quality standards as set forth in our Community Guidelines. A submitted review may not meet minimum quality standards if we are unable to determine that the reviewer’s LinkedIn profile is valid, contains accurate information about the reviewer, and the profile is supported by other authentication information. Our editorial team may contact a review via email to request additional information in connection with authenticating a review. Our editorial team is focused on maintaining our standards and will assess reviews as quickly as practical, however, it may require several business days for authentication before publishing.

Can I delete my review?

No. As part of our commitment to authenticity and transparency, we do not delete published reviews from a service provider’s profile and our site. We do encourage reviewers to consider providing additional reviews of the service or of other service categories, particularly in circumstances in which the user’s perception of the service provider or experience has changed.

Can I update my review?

We currently do not allow for reviews to be updated; however, reviewers are invited to submit additional reviews of other service types or service categories.

Can I edit my review after it is published?

We allow reviewers to submit minor changes or edits to a review once the review has been published on our site. If any minor changes are required, a reviewer may submit a request for such minor edits from the email address used for the reviewer’s account to reviews@bankeradvisor.com. Minor edit requests should be submitted within 5 business days of publishing of the review on our site as only the actual reviewer is entitled to submit requests to edit their review.

Why was my review identified for investigation by the editorial team?

Reviews not meeting our submission requirements or adhering to our community guidelines are identified for further review and authentication/verification by the editorial team prior to publishing. As a part of the editorial team’s review, we may ask for additional information in order to eliminate any deficiencies in maintaining our standards and adherence to our community guidelines. In the event that we are unable to obtain sufficient additional information to address the deficiencies, the review will not be published and will be deleted as further detailed in our Community Guidelines.

How do I get my review restored if it has been removed?

Contact us. If you believe that your submitted review meets our submission standards and conforms with the community guidelines and has been withheld from being published or removed in error, you may inquire regarding the editorial team’s decisions by sending an email to reviews@bankeradvisor.com. Our editorial team is responsible for the maintenance of our publishing standards and interested in ensuring that the conclusions and judgment of the team are appropriate. All information regarding the inquiry and review will remain confidential.

Will I be notified if my review is not published?

Yes, we will try to contact you. In the event that our editorial team is unable to verify a reviewer’s identity, the review will be identified for further review and authentication/verification. As a result, the editorial team will contact the reviewer via email to obtain the necessary information required to validate the user and maintain our publishing standards and adhere to our community guidelines. The receipt of user information responsive to inquiries from our editorial team will better enable the editorial team to resolve questions in the investigation process.

Will I be notified if my review is removed?

No, but we may reach out to you. In order to maintain standards of our community, reviews that do not adhere to our community guidelines may be removed by our editorial team. It is BankerAdvisor’s practice to not notify the reviewer in the event that a review is deleted for violating our guidelines. However, we may contact a reviewer for additional information regarding the review submission in order to resolve any pending deficiencies.

Why has my review account been suspended?

We may see some irregularities. We are focused on providing buyers of financial services and financial service providers with a platform and resources dedicated to bringing transparency, insight, and objectivity to the process of selecting service providers for financial services. To ensure that our platform maintains the standards of our community guidelines, reviews are individually reviewed by our editorial team. User accounts that have been identified by our team for further review and authentication/verification may be subject to suspension if the editorial team determines that someone may be trying to game the platform and provide fraudulent reviews. Please refer to our Community Guidelines for more information.

Will I be notified if my review account is suspended?

Yes. In the event that the results of our further reviews and authentication/verification actions by the editorial team determine that a submitted review may be the result of non-credible actions, the editorial team will contact the user regarding the review and the account. Accounts not providing sufficient responses to our editorial team’s inquiries will be suspended.