Crypto Still Has Fans...And Deals

Coinbase, Google Cloud, MinePlex among deals

Crypto Still Has Fans...And Deals

Deals and adoption in crypto keep moving forward, despite an ongoing 'Crypto Winter' where valuations across companies, currencies, coins and platforms have dropped precipitously.

A recent report from Chainanlysis said the Middle East and North Africa are the fastest growing regions for crypto adoption and had a spike in trading volume of 48% by the end of the second quarter.

Also, Coinbase and Google recently announced that the platform has moved its hosting to Google Cloud from Amazon AWS. Google said it would let customers pay for cloud services with cryptocurrencies in early 2003.

21Shares has added a spot Bitcoin ETP to its list of 46 related ETP products across 12 exchanges in 7 countries. Also, Singapore-based crypto bank MinePlex has secured $100 million from digital asset investment firm GEM Digital Limited (GEM). MinePlex will use the funds to develop new technologies, including collaborations with Mastercard and Visa.

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